Table of contents
Open Table of contents
- The Evolution and Advantages of Programming Languages: Tracing the Origins
- From Assembly to High-Level Languages: The Birth of Modern Computing
- The Structured Programming Revolution: C and Its Progeny
- The Rise of Object-Oriented and Scripting Languages: Java and Python
- The Future with Functional and Concurrent Languages: Scala and Go
- Conclusion: A Diverse Ecosystem for Future Innovation
- Online References
The Evolution and Advantages of Programming Languages: Tracing the Origins is a great tool to syntax highlight of most of the programming languages. Give it a try.
From Assembly to High-Level Languages: The Birth of Modern Computing
The journey of programming languages began in the era of assembly languages, which provided a direct interface to the hardware through mnemonic codes. These languages, while powerful, required intricate knowledge of the machine’s architecture, making programming a complex and error-prone task. The invention of high-level programming languages, starting with Fortran in the 1950s, marked a significant leap. Fortran, short for “Formula Translation,” was designed for scientific and engineering calculations. It abstracted the complexities of the machine, allowing programmers to focus on problem-solving rather than machine-specific instructions. This shift not only democratized programming but also increased productivity and opened up computing to a broader range of disciplines.
The Structured Programming Revolution: C and Its Progeny
The development of the C programming language in the early 1970s under the auspices of Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs introduced the era of structured programming. C’s design combined the power and flexibility of assembly language with the readability and efficiency of high-level languages. Its portability across different platforms and its direct access to system resources made it the language of choice for operating systems, embedded systems, and high-performance applications. The legacy of C extends to its influence on subsequent languages such as C++, Java, and C#, each adding features like object orientation, memory management, and platform independence, further simplifying programming tasks and enhancing developer productivity.
The Rise of Object-Oriented and Scripting Languages: Java and Python
The 1990s witnessed the rise of object-oriented programming (OOP) languages, with Java leading the charge. Designed with the mantra “write once, run anywhere,” Java introduced a virtual machine model that allowed applications to run on any device, promoting software portability and security. Its OOP features encouraged modular, reusable code, significantly impacting software development practices. Parallelly, scripting languages like Python emerged, emphasizing simplicity and readability. Python’s philosophy of “batteries included” provided a rich standard library and a vast ecosystem of third-party modules, making it an ideal language for web development, data analysis, and automation.
The Future with Functional and Concurrent Languages: Scala and Go
In response to the increasing demand for scalable and concurrent applications, languages like Scala and Go were developed. Scala, blending functional programming with OOP, offers powerful abstractions to manage immutability and side-effects, critical for building reliable, concurrent systems. Go, on the other hand, designed by Google, focuses on simplicity and efficiency, providing first-class support for concurrency with goroutines and channels. These languages address the modern challenges of multicore processing and distributed computing, paving the way for the next generation of software development.
Conclusion: A Diverse Ecosystem for Future Innovation
The evolution of programming languages from assembly to modern high-level, functional, and concurrent languages illustrates the industry’s response to changing technological landscapes and developer needs. Each generation of languages has built upon the foundations of its predecessors, introducing abstractions and features that simplify programming, enhance portability, and improve performance. As we stand on the cusp of new advancements in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and distributed systems, the diversity and richness of programming languages are set to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology.
Online References
For several items on your list, such as SQL, Structured Text (IEC 61131-3), and UO Razor Script, the official documentation might be part of a standard that requires purchase or is distributed with software. In these cases, community resources, forums, and vendor-specific documentation are invaluable for learning and troubleshooting. Please note that for some of these technologies, the documentation may be spread across various versions or implementations. For languages standardized through documents (like Scheme with RnRS), the most current or widely used standard is suggested. Please note that for standards (like Verilog and VHDL), accessing the full text of the standards often requires purchase from the IEEE or similar organizations.
Note that for some, the documentation is maintained by the community or a specific organization responsible for its development.
- MathML: W3C MathML
- SSML: W3C Speech Synthesis Markup Language
- Atom: IETF RFC 4287
- RSS: RSS 2.0 Specification
- CSS: MDN Web Docs CSS
- JavaScript: MDN Web Docs JavaScript
- ABAP: SAP ABAP Documentation
- ActionScript: Adobe ActionScript 3.0 Reference
- Ada: Ada Information Clearinghouse
- Agda: Agda Documentation
- AL (for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central): AL Language Extension Documentation
- ANTLR4: ANTLR Documentation
- Apache Configuration (apacheconf): Apache HTTP Server Documentation
- Apex (Salesforce): Apex Developer Guide
- APL: Dyalog APL Language Reference
- AppleScript: AppleScript Language Guide
- AQL (ArangoDB Query Language): AQL Documentation
- Arduino: Arduino Reference
- ARFF (Attribute-Relation File Format): ARFF Documentation
- ARM Assembly: ARM Developer Documentation, ARM assembly specifics depend on the ARM version, ARM Developer is a good starting point.
- Arturo: Arturo Programming Language GitHub
- AsciiDoc: AsciiDoc User Guide
- ASP.NET (C#): ASP.NET Documentation
- 6502 Assembly: Various resources are available online, a starting point can be Tutorials
- Atmel AVR Assembly: AVR Assembler User Guide
- AutoHotkey: AutoHotkey Documentation
- AutoIt: AutoIt Scripting Language Documentation
- AviSynth: AviSynth Wiki
- Avro IDL: Apache Avro Documentation
- AWK: GNU Awk User’s Guide
- Bash: GNU Bash Manual
- BASIC: Documentation varies by the version of BASIC; for example, Microsoft QBASIC.
- Batch (Windows Batch Scripting): Microsoft Batch File Reference
- BBcode (Bulletin Board Code): Documentation is often provided by the bulletin board software being used, such as phpBB BBCode Guide.
- BBj: BBj Documentation
- Bicep: Azure Bicep Documentation
- Birb: Birb is a lesser-known language, lacking centralized official documentation.
- Bison: GNU Bison Documentation
- BNF (Backus-Naur Form): Described in various computer science materials; specific implementations or usage guides vary.
- BQN: BQN Documentation
- Brainfuck: Brainfuck on Esolang
- BrightScript: Roku BrightScript Documentation
- Bro (Zeek): Zeek (formerly Bro) Documentation
- BSL (1C:Enterprise): 1C:Enterprise BSL Documentation
- C: C Programming Language
- C#: Microsoft C# Documentation
- C++: C++ Documentation
- CFScript: Adobe ColdFusion CFScript Reference
- ChaiScript: ChaiScript Documentation
- CIL (Common Intermediate Language): ECMA-335 Standard for .NET
- Cilk/C & Cilk/C++: Documentation for these can be found within academic resources or specific to the implementations, such as Intel Cilk Plus.
- Clojure: Clojure Documentation
- CMake: CMake Documentation
- CoffeeScript: CoffeeScript Documentation
- Concurnas: Concurnas Language Documentation
- Content-Security-Policy (CSP): Content Security Policy Reference
- Cooklang: Cooklang Spec
- Coq: Coq Documentation
- Crystal: Crystal Language Documentation
- CSS Extras: Documentation for CSS extras can typically be found as part of CSS references or guides, such as MDN Web Docs on CSS.
- CSV (Comma-Separated Values): RFC 4180 provides a common format specification.
- CUE: CUE Language Documentation
- Cypher: Neo4j Cypher Manual
- D: D Programming Language Official Documentation
- Dart: Dart Programming Language Documentation
- DataWeave: DataWeave Documentation
- DAX (Data Analysis Expressions): DAX Guide
- Dhall: Dhall Language Documentation
- Diff: Documentation for the
utility can be found in Unix/Linux manual pages, e.g., GNU diffutils. - Django/Jinja2:
- Django: Django Documentation
- Jinja2: Jinja Template Engine
- DNS Zone File: Documentation specific to DNS zone files can be found within RFC 1035 and for various DNS software manuals.
- Docker: Docker Documentation
- DOT (Graphviz): Graphviz Documentation
- EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form): Described in ISO/IEC 14977. Summary available on various educational resources online.
- EditorConfig: EditorConfig Documentation
- Eiffel: Eiffel Documentation
- EJS (Embedded JavaScript templates): EJS Documentation
- Elixir: Elixir Language Documentation
- Elm: Elm Documentation
- Embedded Lua Templating (etlua): Often used within larger frameworks; for direct reference, see etlua on GitHub.
- ERB (Embedded Ruby): Part of the Ruby standard library; documentation can be found in the Ruby ERB Documentation.
- Erlang: Erlang Documentation
- Excel Formula: Microsoft provides comprehensive documentation for Excel formulas at Excel Formulas and Functions.
- F# (FSharp): F# Documentation
- Factor: Factor Language Documentation
- False: A minimalistic programming language; due to its obscurity, official documentation is scarce and primarily community-generated.
- Firestore Security Rules: Firestore Security Rules Documentation
- Flow: Flow Type Documentation
- Fortran: GNU Fortran Documentation
- FreeMarker Template Language (FTL): FreeMarker Manual
- GameMaker Language (GML): GameMaker Language Reference
- GAP (Computational Algebra System): GAP Documentation
- G-code: RepRap G-code (G-code can vary by machine, RepRap is a good general reference)
- GDScript: GDScript Documentation
- gettext: GNU gettext Manual
- Gherkin: Gherkin Reference
- Git: Pro Git Book
- GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language): OpenGL GLSL Documentation
- GN: GN Build Configuration
- GNU Linker Script (ld): Using LD, the GNU linker
- Go: Go Programming Language Documentation
- Go module: Go Modules Reference
- Gradle: Gradle Documentation
- GraphQL: GraphQL Official Documentation
- Groovy: Apache Groovy Documentation
- Haml: Haml Reference
- Handlebars: Handlebars.js Official Site
- Haskell: Haskell Language Documentation
- Haxe: Haxe Documentation
- HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language): HCL GitHub Repository
- HLSL (High-Level Shading Language): HLSL Documentation
- Hoon: Hoon School
- HTTP: HTTP/1.1 Specification (RFC 7231)
- HTTP Public-Key-Pins (HPKP): Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP (RFC 7469) (Deprecated)
- HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS): HTTP Strict Transport Security (RFC 6797)
- IchigoJam: IchigoJam Official Website
- Icon: Icon Programming Language
- ICU Message Format: ICU User Guide
- Idris: Idris Language Documentation
- .ignore (gitignore, hgignore, npmignore):
- gitignore: gitignore Documentation
- hgignore: Mercurial hgignore
- npmignore: npm Documentation
- Inform 7: Inform 7 Documentation
- Ini: INI files do not have an official standard, but many resources explain the format, such as Wikipedia on INI Files
- Io: Io Language Official Site
- J: J Software Official Website
- Java: Oracle Java Documentation
- JavaDoc: How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool
- JavaDoc-like: Typically refers to the JavaDoc tool itself or similar tools in other languages that follow its conventions.
- Java stack trace: Stack trace interpretation is more about understanding Java exceptions, detailed in the Oracle Java Tutorials.
- Jexl: Apache Commons JEXL
- Jolie: Jolie Language Documentation
- JQ: JQ Manual
- JSDoc: JSDoc User Guide
- JS Extras: Refers to additional JavaScript features or experimental syntax; documentation varies based on the feature.
- JSON: Introducing JSON
- JSON5: JSON5 Official Site
- JSONP: JSONP or “JSON with Padding” is a method for sending JSON data without encountering cross-domain issues. Documentation is scattered, but a good explanation is available on MDN Web Docs.
- JS stack trace: Stack trace handling in JavaScript is explained in various developer guides, such as MDN Web Docs on Error.
- JS Templates: Refers to JavaScript templating engines, like Handlebars, Mustache, and others. Documentation is specific to the engine used.
- Julia: Julia Documentation
- Keepalived Configure: Keepalived Documentation
- Keyman: Keyman Developer Documentation
- Kotlin: Kotlin Documentation
- KuMir (КуМир): KuMir Official Site (mostly in Russian)
- Kusto (Azure Data Explorer): Kusto Query Language (KQL) Documentation
- LaTeX: LaTeX Project Documentation
- Latte: Latte Template Engine Documentation
- Less: Less CSS Pre-processor Documentation
- LilyPond: LilyPond Documentation
- Liquid: Liquid Template Language Documentation
- Lisp: Common Lisp Hyperspec
- LiveScript: LiveScript Documentation
- LLVM IR: LLVM Language Reference Manual
- Log file: Documentation for log files would be specific to the application generating them.
- LOLCODE: LOLCODE Official Spec
- Lua: Lua Official Documentation
- Magma (CAS): Magma Computational Algebra System Documentation
- Makefile: GNU Make Manual
- Markdown: Markdown Guide
- Markup Templating: Often refers to systems like Twig, Liquid, etc. No single official source for the concept.
- Mata: Part of Stata; Stata Mata Reference Manual
- MATLAB: MATLAB Documentation
- MAXScript: MAXScript Documentation
- MEL (Maya Embedded Language): MEL Documentation
- Mermaid: Mermaid Documentation
- METAFONT: METAFONT Tutorial (METAFONT is closely tied to TeX; official documentation may be part of TeX distributions)
- Mizar: Mizar System Documentation
- MongoDB: MongoDB Documentation
- Monkey: Documentation for Monkey can vary depending on the specific implementation or framework.
- MoonScript: MoonScript Documentation
- N1QL: N1QL Documentation
- N4JS: N4JS Documentation
- Nand To Tetris HDL: Part of the Nand to Tetris course, documentation found within course materials at Nand2Tetris Website
- Naninovel Script: Naninovel Documentation
- NASM: NASM Documentation
- NEON: Depending on the context, NEON can refer to different technologies. For ARM’s NEON (SIMD instruction set), see ARM’s official documentation.
- Nevod: Nevod Documentation
- nginx: nginx Documentation
- Nim: Nim Programming Language Documentation
- Nix: Nix Manual
- NSIS: NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) Documentation
- Objective-C: Apple Developer Documentation for Objective-C
- OCaml: OCaml Documentation
- Odin: Odin Programming Language Documentation
- OpenCL: OpenCL Documentation
- OpenQasm: OpenQASM GitHub Repository
- Oz: Mozart Programming System (Oz)
- PARI/GP: PARI/GP Documentation
- Parser: Context needed, as “Parser” can refer to many different parser technologies or libraries.
- Pascal: Free Pascal Documentation (Free Pascal is widely used for Pascal programming)
- Pascaligo: Pascaligo Documentation
- PATROL Scripting Language (PSL): Specific documentation may be available within BMC PATROL product documentation.
- PC-Axis: PC-Axis Documentation
- PeopleCode: PeopleCode Developer’s Guide (Select the appropriate product version)
- Perl: Perl Programming Documentation
- PHP: PHP Official Documentation
- PHPDoc: PHPDoc Manual
- PHP Extras: For PHP extras, documentation would typically be found within the PHP manual or through community resources, as there isn’t a dedicated “PHP Extras” official site.
- PlantUML: PlantUML Documentation
- PL/SQL (Oracle): Oracle PL/SQL Documentation (select the appropriate version)
- PowerQuery: PowerQuery M Formula Language Documentation
- PowerShell: Microsoft PowerShell Documentation
- Processing: Processing Documentation
- Prolog: Documentation can vary by implementation; for SWI-Prolog, see SWI-Prolog Documentation
- PromQL (Prometheus Query Language): PromQL Documentation
- .properties (Java properties file): Typically part of Java platform documentation, see Oracle Java Properties
- Protocol Buffers (protobuf): Protocol Buffers Documentation
- Pug (formerly Jade): Pug.js Official Documentation
- Puppet: Puppet Official Documentation
- Pure: There are multiple contexts for “Pure.” If referring to Pure language in functional programming, information might be scarce and not centralized.
- PureBasic: PureBasic Documentation
- PureScript: PureScript Documentation
- Python: Python Official Documentation
- Q#: Microsoft Quantum Q# Documentation
- Q (kdb+ database): Q Documentation from Kx Systems
- QML: Qt QML Documentation
- Qore: Qore Programming Language Documentation
- R: The R Project for Statistical Computing
- Racket: Racket Documentation
- Razor C# (cshtml): Microsoft Razor Documentation
- React JSX: React Official Documentation
- React TSX (TypeScript with JSX): Part of React documentation; TypeScript specifics at TypeScript Official Documentation
- Reason: ReasonML Documentation
- Regex (Regular Expressions): Documentation varies by language/environment; for JavaScript, see MDN RegExp
- Rego (Open Policy Agent): Rego Documentation
- Ren’py: Ren’py Documentation
- ReScript: ReScript Documentation
- reStructuredText (reST): reStructuredText Official Documentation
- Rip: Rip doesn’t have a centralized official documentation as it’s less commonly known. If referring to a tool or language, more specific context is needed.
- Roboconf: Roboconf Documentation
- Robot Framework: Robot Framework User Guide
- Ruby: Ruby Programming Language Official Site
- Rust: Rust Programming Language Official Documentation
- SAS: SAS Documentation
- Sass (Sass and SCSS): Sass Official Documentation
- Scala: Scala Documentation
- Scheme: Scheme is standardized in the RnRS documents, with R6RS being one widely recognized standard.
- Shell session (bash, etc.): Documentation can be found in the manual pages (
man bash
) or GNU Bash Manual. - Smali: Smali GitHub Repository (Documentation in README and wiki)
- Smalltalk: Depending on the dialect, Squeak or Pharo are good starting points.
- Smarty: Smarty Template Engine Documentation
- SML (Standard ML): SML ‘97 Documentation
- Solidity (Ethereum): Solidity Documentation
- Solution file (.sln): Part of Visual Studio documentation, Microsoft Docs
- Soy (Closure Templates): Google Closure Templates Documentation
- SPARQL: SPARQL 1.1 Query Language W3C Recommendation
- Splunk SPL: Splunk Search Reference
- SQF (Status Quo Function for Arma 3): Bohemia Interactive Wiki for SQF
- SQL (Structured Query Language): SQL standards are published by ISO and ANSI, but there’s no single “official” online resource. Vendor-specific documentation is often the go-to resource, such as PostgreSQL Documentation or MySQL Documentation.
- Squirrel: Squirrel Programming Language
- Stan: Stan Documentation
- Stata Ado: Stata programming documentation is part of the Stata Manuals.
- Structured Text (IEC 61131-3): Official standards are available for purchase from IEC. For learning, vendor-specific resources are often helpful.
- Stylus: Stylus Documentation
- SuperCollider: SuperCollider Documentation
- Swift: Swift Documentation
- Systemd configuration file: Systemd Documentation
- T4 Templating: Documentation is part of Microsoft Docs for T4.
- TAP (Test Anything Protocol): TAP Official Site
- Tcl (Tool Command Language): Tcl Developer Xchange
- Template Toolkit 2: Template Toolkit Documentation
- Textile: Textile Documentation
- TOML (Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language): TOML GitHub Repository
- Tremor: Tremor Documentation
- Turtle: Part of the RDF specifications, documentation can be found on W3C RDF/Turtle
- Twig: Twig Documentation
- TypeScript: TypeScript Documentation
- TypoScript: Part of TYPO3, documentation is available at TYPO3 Documentation
- UnrealScript: As UnrealScript is deprecated in favor of C++ in Unreal Engine 4 and later, the best resources are historical or community-driven. Unreal Engine Documentation focuses on current engine versions.
- UO Razor Script: UO Razor is a third-party utility for Ultima Online. Documentation, if available, would be community-driven and found on forums or the project’s website.
- URI (Uniform Resource Identifier): RFC 3986 by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the official specification.
- V: V Language Documentation
- Vala: Vala Documentation
- VB.Net (Visual Basic .NET): Microsoft Docs for VB.NET
- Velocity: Apache Velocity Documentation
- Verilog: IEEE Standard 1364 (Purchase Required)
- VHDL: IEEE Standard 1076 (Purchase Required)
- vim: Vim Documentation
- Visual Basic (VB/VBA): Microsoft Docs for Visual Basic
- WarpScript: Warp 10 Documentation
- WebAssembly (Wasm): WebAssembly Official Site
- Web IDL: W3C Web IDL
- WGSL (WebGPU Shading Language): WGSL Specification
- Wiki markup: MediaWiki Text Formatting
- Wolfram Language (Mathematica): Wolfram Language Documentation
- Wren: Wren Language Documentation
- Xeora: Xeora Documentation
- XML Documentation (.NET): Microsoft Docs for XML Documentation Comments
- Xojo (REALbasic): Xojo Documentation
- XQuery: W3C XQuery 3.1
- YAML: YAML Official Site
- YANG: RFC 7950 - The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language
- Zig: Zig Language Documentation